May 27, 2020
For this month’s book club we’re discussing The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendricks. This book came highly recommended by Grace’s mom and it definitely sparked some fun conversation. While this is not the type of book either of us typically pick up, we wanted something more fun to...
May 20, 2020
We loved all of your listener questions! We had so many that we split them into two episodes and today we are back with a part 2! We saved the most fun ones for this episode. We’re covering everything from AIM screennames and celebrity crushes (Grace and Paul Rudd are going backpacking together? Becca stalks Scott...
May 13, 2020
After a highly requested (micro) deep-dive into Normal People (we loved the show maybe even more than the book!), we chat with Jules Von Hep! Jules is a celebrity tanning expert and the founder of the (clean! vegan!) line Isle of Paradise. We chat with him about how quarantine is going in the UK and then move along to...
May 6, 2020
In today’s episode, we polled you to come up with a big grab bag of questions. We cover a wide range of topics from college life to cooking (Becca’s carbonara!). We also talk about how we maintain our privacy (spoiler alert: we’re in charge!) and all sorts of other things. Will Becca ever get a dog? Has Grace...