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Bad On Paper

Apr 15, 2020

Today, we poured ourselves a glass of wine and play a remote game of FMK (Fuck, Marry, Kill) with YOUR prompts! But first, we catch up on how we are holding up in quarantine. We are definitely a mix of adjusting and feeling trapped, but over all we are doing alright.


This episode is a weird one and we are into it. We go through all the important categories… books, meals, celebs, TV characters. Becca kills breakfast (and short men?) and Grace makes a surprising choice when it comes to the Younger cast. Also: who knew the hardest questions would be about food?? We hope you enjoy and are inspired to prompt your friends… we highly recommend setting up a FMK Zoom with your own friends!


Podcasts Mentioned:





  • @ryan.heffington
  • @pippyeats


Books we are starting:


April Book Club:


Join our FB group for amazing book recs & more!


Follow us on Instagram @badonpaperpodcast. Follow Grace on Instagram @graceatwood and her blog and Becca @beccamfreeman.